Thursday, January 31, 2013

To be more like Jesus

To be more like Jesus
Week 4

Ok where to begin!

This week was our first week at bible school. Spending 4 hours a day learning about God, faith and righteousness is most certainly changing my life.

My eyes were opened to a whole new world of Christian possibility’s and leaving me craving more of the scripture and spending time at the foot of the cross.

Which got me to thinking, if we truly want to get to know Jesus, why won’t we accept the gifts that he wants to give us? Wouldn’t these gifts help us know him more?

I mean if you look at it, we are simple sheep. We see someone that we admire, like a father figure or a celebrity or someone attractive, and we change the way we talk, or our fashion, or what we like, etc, to mirror these people.

But then we say “I want to be more like Jesus, I believe in Jesus, but I don’t think I want the gifts to help know him more.”
How come we can change so easily for someone of this earth, but we can’t accept God’s gifts that are given, to know him more?

I may see it differently to most people, but when I look at Jesus and think, how can I understand or know him better? Then I look at the bible and know that I can lay hands on the sick and have them recover, or speak in new tongues, or cast out demons. (I can proclaim this, as it’s written in Mark 16:16-18)
If I want to be more like Jesus why not use the gifts like that as Jesus did?

So if we look at that one example of the scripture that Jesus said, why wouldn’t you just pray for the opportunities, so that you too can perform the miracles that Jesus did?

Although we don’t need to do any of this to get salvation, my question is why would you just want to do the bare minimum? If you love someone don’t you give them all?

So I’m going to leave you all with that thought this week.
And hope that you all have a great weekend.

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